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Despite the fact that men are sexually strong, they also have difficulties and problems. At such times they need the support and help of their beloved woman. If the man does not get it, the relationship becomes heated - love and tenderness becomes less, irritation comes. How to support your beloved at a difficult time?

1. LISTEN This is the first and most important. Just sit down and listen to the worries, doubts and fears of a loved one. The man is as alive as we are - he sometimes doubts, sometimes he is afraid, and sometimes he is stressed and he just needs your sensitive company. Therefore, let your man speak out - do not just listen to him, but also hear what he says. Let him talk about his experiences, let him feel your warmth, care and comfort, let him relax and understand that you are his quiet harbor. Yes, you may not understand any production or economic terms, but you will understand the mood and message that your man gives. You will understand his feelings and emotions, hear what he thinks about this (even in the most abrupt and impartial terms).

2. SUPPORT Show your man that you understand him, that you sympathize with him and that you are around. Here there is a very fine line between the reaction of Mom a la compassionate lamentations "poor and miserable" and the sensible reaction of a beloved woman who expresses herself as "Yes, I sympathize with you, tax audit is really a stressful situation, but know that we are together and we we will cope - you have me, and I am always ready to help you with everything I can. " If you react and try to support like Mom, then prepare for the fact that your man will become your son. You will follow him, and he can not step without you. Feel this side and do not become a mummy, if you do not want to become a vest then and pull on yourself a whining man.

3. DISCUSS Discuss options for solving the problem - for example, problems at work, with friends, in life. Discuss how you can solve the problem facing your man, suggest some options and outcomes, and if the situation can not be remedied, think together how to minimize its consequences. Together, not you alone. Then again, this fine line stands between Mom and beloved woman. If you, waving your cloak, shouting "do not worry, I'll decide everything", run to solve all the problems and solve all problems, then again get a son. Give the initiative to your man, give him a field and an opportunity for activity, give him a chance to prove that he is a man, that he is strong, brave and brave, that he solves problems himself, and you, his beloved woman, behind him like a stone wall . You can direct and prompt, but you do not have to do it. Wonder what results such a position can give.

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