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Music for Stress Relief - Top 10 Songs

Music not only caresses the ears but also treats? Stress - so often our body reacts to situations that lead us out of the comfort zone. And it happens all the time. A person is constantly confronted with situations that cause stress, at work, in educational institutions, and many of us can be upset by personal events. And each of us has his own life prescriptions - how to put his nerves in order. Music - the most popular way to get rid of stress and anxiety. Scientists clearly say that a variety of musical genres can positively influence the state of the brain and our mood. It's not for nothing that modern psychology uses the technique, which is called - "music therapy" in treatment.

We offer you a full list of "anti-stress" compositions, compiled, as expected, in the reverse order. Compositions specially selected by scientists specifically so that their listener can calm the raging nerves:

10. "We Can Fly", Rue du Soleil (Café Del Mar)

9. "Canzonetta Sull’aria", Mozart

8. "Someone Like You", Adele

7. "Pure Shores", All Saints

6. "Please Don’t Go", Barcelona

5. "Strawberry Swing", Coldplay

4. "Watermark", Enya

3. "Mellomaniac (Chill Out Mix)", DJ Shah

2. "Electra", Airstream

1. "Weightless", Marconi Union

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