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Products that lead to depression

All of your favorite foods high in fat can trigger depression and apathy.

Acording to the results of observations, scientists found that food that includes hamburgers, white bread, pizza, chips, flavored milk drinks, beer, and sugar, in more than 50% of cases leads to a depressed state.

And those who prefer fruits, salads, fish, beans, nuts, yogurts and red wine do not know what depression is.

People of any age are recommended to eat a diet that includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat, low-fat dairy products. But in this case, do not forget about sweets forever and be sure to play sports.

Interestingly, even a healthy, but tasteless and monotonous food can contribute to nervous diseases and mental disorders. Its tasteless food reduces emotionality, causes apathy and contributes to chronic fatigue.

The smaller the food "garbage" (sausages, sandwiches with white bread and salami, candied breakfast cereals, fried in butter with jam, brown fat croutons, etc.) on the plate of food "garbage", and the more products in their original form, especially the colorful ones vegetables, berries, the better it will feel and work the intestinal microflora.

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